Таблица 1.2 к части 1.1
Использованные материалы:
Korotkova, N., Aquino, D., Arias, S., Eggli, U., Franck, A., Gómez-Hinostrosa, C., Guerrero, P.C., Hernández, H.M., Kohlbecker, A., Köhler, M., Luther, K., Majure, L.C., Müller, A., Metzing, D., Nyffeler, R., Sánchez, D., Schlumpberger, B. & Berendsohn, W.G. (2021) Cactaceae at Caryophyllales.org – a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family. – Willdenowia 51: 251–270. https://doi.org/10.3372/wi.51.51208
Walter, H. & Guerrero, P.C. 2022: Towards a unified taxonomic catalogue for the Chilean cacti: assembling molecular systematics and classical taxonomy. – Phytotaxa 550(2): 79-98
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Kattermann, Fred (1994) SEM observations of the genus Eriosyce, Haseltonia 2, 47-60.
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Guerrero PC, Walter HE, Arroyo MTK, Peña CM, Tamburrino I, De Benedictis M, Larridon I. 2019. Molecular phylogeny of the large South American genus Eriosyce (Notocacteae, Cactaceae)
Hunt, D. (comp.) 2016. CITES Cactaceae checklist, 3rd ed.
Hunt, D., Taylor, N. & Charles, G. (eds.) 2006. The new cactus lexicon,
Hunt, D., Taylor, N. & Charles, G. (eds.) 2013. The new cactus lexicon, vol. 2